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Asked Questions

Q: How are the classes run?

Classes run from 7:00pm to approximately 9 pm. Each class consists of a talk and a guided meditation practice. Practices range from introductory techniques for relaxation, breathing & meditation, to keys that can be applied in daily life. No previous experience is needed.

The weekly Gnostic classes serve as a foundation for the further development of the study of esotericism and the science and ethics of meditation in a more in-depth manner.

Q: What kind of commitment is required?

As far as attendance to the introductory classes, anyone is welcome to attend one, several or all of the classes being offered in the series of public talks. For those who are interested, a weekly course will continue which will go deeper into the topics that have been introduced. Since the classes and practices build on each other, consistent weekly attendance is expected for those who decide to continue with the classes. If you decide you do not want to continue with the classes at any point in time, you are free to do so with no further obligations. So if we do not hear from you, you will not hear from us. This is done to respect your privacy.

Q: What does it cost to attend the centre?

Gnostic centres throughout the world are non-profit and operate based on contributions. Gnosis is not a business, and no person involved in the running of the centre is making money for his or her services. The public classes are offered freely. For those who continue on with the weekly course, contributions (sugg. $10/week/per person) are greatly appreciated to cover the costs of running the Gnostic centre: rent, utilities, printouts, etc.

The Gnostic goal is the happiness of all human beings without distinction. The aim of all centres is to share Gnosis with anyone who is interested, regardless of race, sex, religious background, occupation, etc. Having no monetary price set on them, the Gnostic teachings can thus be considered to be “free”.

This does not imply, however, that the teachings are superficial, or not of value. The fruits of Gnosis are acquired through the efforts of each student. The more one puts into studying, understanding, and practicing the teachings, the greater will be the fruits of one’s efforts. The students who persist and persevere are the ones who see the real value in the knowledge.

Samael Aun Weor

“Gnosis lives in facts, withers away in abstractions, and is difficult to find even in the noblest of thoughts.”

Introductory Gnosis Course – 33 Lessons

A new course will be starting in mid 2025. If you are interested in learning more about Gnosis and meditation, then please get in touch with us to register for classes.